AnimalsAnimals african frog angry dog angry grizzly bear angry pig angry tiger angry tigress Arf arf 2 arf 3 arf! attacking grizzly bear aviary 1 aviary 2 baby birds 1 baby birds 2 baby duck baby duck chirp baby lamb Baby Lamb 2 baby lamb baa-ing Bark barking dog 1 barking dog 2 barking dog 3 Barn Owl barnyard 1 bear in vacuum bear roaring bee swarm 1 bee swarm 2 bellowing bull big catfight big mosquito 1 big mosquito 2 big mountain lion big pig birds and insects 1 birds and insects 2 black lab black leopard Blackbird1 Blackbird2 Blackbird3 blackbird4 blackbird5 bleating camel bloodhound 1 bloodhound 2 bloodhound 3 bull bellowing bull elephant 1 bull elephant 2 bull elephant 3 bullfrog bullfrog 1 bullfrog 2 bullfrog 3 bunch of geese Buse (bird) calves camel cat meow 1 cat screech 1 cat squeal 1 cat squeal 2 cat whine 1 cat whine 2 Chaocard (bird) Chimp Chimp 2 chimp and orangutan chimp screech (single) chimp screeching chimpanzee chimps playing chimps playing 2 chirping ducklings Choucas (bird) cluk-cluk cougar cougar attack cougar attack 2 cow 1 cow and a bird cows coyote a coyote whine cricket chirp cricket chirping Cricket cricketjam crickets crow call crow in a tunnel crying seagulls dances with wolfs dead mosquito death of a whipperwill dog growl 1 dog growl 2 dog in thunderstorm dogfight dogs cackling donkey 1 donkey 2 donkey call (short) Duck duck 1 duck 2 elephant 1 elephant 2 elephant 3 (howl) elephant talk elk everglades 1 everglades 2 everglades 3 excited duck farmhouse from ?! Frog galloping horse geese and ducks 1 geese and ducks 2 gibbon gibbon (short) goat 1 goat 2 goats 1 goats 2 goats 3 goose call goose honk gooses gorilla (short) gorilla having fun Grand Corbeau (bird) grizzly bear Growl growl 1 growling bear 1 growling bear 2 growling bear 3 growling elephant happy lion hen (short) hen 1 hen 2 hen 3 hen 4 hen fight hen laying eggs heron herons kites and cranes Hooves hornet 1 hornet 2 hornet 3 horse 1 horse 2 horse 3 horse 4 (hyperhorse) horse 5 (tired) horse 6 (sick) horse galloping away horse walk hounds with scent 1 hounds with scent 2 howl howl (lone wolf) Howling howling wolf hungry kitty itty bitty kitty killer bees 1 killer bees 2 Kitten kitten in a cave kitty in rainstorm Lamb leopard 1 leopard 2 leopard 3 leopard roar lion lion (short) lion growl lion roar 1 lion roar 2 lion roar 3 lion roar 4 lion snarling lion snarling 2 little mosquito 2 long moo Loon Macaw Martinet Alpine (bird) mean mosquito Meow Meow2 Monkey monkey screech MooCow mooing cow more pigs more shore birds Mosquito mosquito 1 mosquito 2 mosquito 3 mosquito attack mountain lion 1 mountain lion 2 mountain stream w/ birds 1 mountain stream w/ birds 2 nightbugs noah's ark old macdonald had it bad one annoying monkey orangutan owl 1 owl 2 owl 3 (gurgle and hoot) owl in space pack o' pigs pack o' wolfs 1 pack o' wolfs 2 panting dog parakeet parrot 1 parrot 2 parrot 2 (tantrum) Peacock peacock 1 peacock 2 penguin pig in fear pig snort pig snort (short) pig snort 2 piglet piglet 2 piglet squeal (single) pigs and geese polar bear pond creatures 1 pond creatures 2 poodle puppies in space puppy puppy barking Puppy2 Puppy3 puppydog puppydog2 quack rabid dogs rampaging geese real big dog really angry dogs return to farmhouse from ?! rhinoceros 1 (believe it or not rhinoceros 2 ribbit Robin Robin2 rooster rooster 1 rooster 2 rrrrufff! scared duck scared gosling seagull 1 seagulls 2 seal seal 1 seal 2 seal honking + clapping SeaLion SeaLion2 SeaLion3 sheep sheep 1 sheep 2 sheep 3 sheeps in heat shore birds single bark (lab) single chirp single hoot (owl) Skylark snorting doggie song of the sparrow sparrow 1 sparrow 2 St.Bernard stuck pig summer night insects 1 summer night insects 2 Swallows symphony of moo's Tetras Lyre (bird) tiger tiger roar 1 tiger roar 2 tigress 1 tigress 2 tigress 3 toad toads Turkey turkey call (short) turkeys 1 turkeys 2 Wasp wasp 1 waves with seagulls 1 waves with seagulls 2 wetlands 1 (N. Carolina) whining chicken whining dog whining monkey whiporwhill 1 whiporwhill 2 Wolf wolves in canyon wolves bark + howl 1 Wood_Pigeon young elephant growling young lion young rooster young tiger Short Miscellaneous ack beep African drum beep Afterburner beep Ah beep ah-ha beep Ahh-Choo beep Ahhhhhhhhh beep Alarm beep almost beep alright beep Arf 3 beep Arf beep Ayaaaah beep baby beep beep baby goo beep Baby Lamb beep Ball in cup beep ballshot beep Barn Owl beep Beat beep beep beep Bell beep Big Ben beep Bit beep bizarre beep Blackbird beep Blast beep Bleep2 Bleep3 Bleep4 Bleep5 Bleep6 Bleerrp blow beep Bluup Boing beep Boing2 Another Boing beep Boingg Boingity Boink beep boo! beep Boom beep Boooing beep Bottle beep Bowling beep Bubbles beep Bugle beep bullfrog 1 beep Bullfrog beep Buzzer beep cackle beep car horn beep cat meow beep Chicks beep Chimes beep Chomping beep ChooChoo beep Chorus beep Clackety beep Click beep Clock beep Clock Chime beep ConcertBurst beep cough 1 beep cough 2 beep cough/cry beep Crash beep crow call beep Another Cricket beep Cymbal beep Dice beep domino beep Door Closing beep Doorbell beep duck 1 Duck beep dunno beep elephant beep Encore beep excellent beep Explosion beep FastHey beep Fiddle beep Flash beep Floop beep Fog_Horn beep fright beep Frog beep frustrated beep GalaxialBell beep gargle beep Gasp beep Giggle beep Giggles beep Girls beep GlassBreaking beep goat beep Good Afternoon beep Good Evening beep Good God beep good job beep Good Joke beep Good Morning beep Good Night beep goofy haha beep goofy laugh beep goose call beep great! beep Growl beep grunt beep GunShot beep ha beep hack beep hahahha beep Hallelujah beep Harmonica beep Harpsichord beep Heey! beep heh-heh beep Help! beep hey 1beep Hey beep hmmm? beep hmmph! beep ho-ho-ho beep ho-hum beep hock beep hocking beep Hole In One beep Honk beep Hooves beep Horn (short) beep horse beep Howl beep huh beep i don't know 1 beep kiss 1 beep Kiss beep Kissss beep Kitten beep kitten in blender beep Klang beep knock beep Lamb beep LargeLaugh beep laser effect beep Laugh beep LaughBig beep laughter beep Lil Baby beep Another Lil Baby beep Lil Baby Laugh beep Lil Baby Sneeze beep Lion beep lion growl beep long moo beep Loon beep machine beep Machine gun beep maybe beep Meow beep Metal beep mmm-hmm beep mmmm better beep Mommy beep Monkey beep MooCow beep more applause beep moron beep Mosquito beep n-n-n-no beep nahhh beep Nasty Cough beep nawww beep No beep no sir beep no! 1 beep nooo beep nooo! beep nyeh-nyeh beep nyuk-nyuk beep oh! beep oh. beep oh? beep ohhhh! beep ok beep old carhorn (single) beep ooookay beep oops beep Organ beep ouch 1 beep ouch beep ow! 1 beep owl 1 beep owl in space beep pained uh! beep Phaser1 beep pig snort beep Ping beep PlasmaExplode beep PlasmaLaser beep pleasure beep pondering beep pop beep Puppy beep Puppy2 beep quick laugh beep real loud bell beep relief beep Rifle beep Rooster beep rrrrrr! beep sarcastic laugh beep Sax beep ScratchClunk beep scream 1 beep Scream beep seal 1 beep seal beep SeaLion beep SeaLion3 beep Sexy Hi beep shatter beep sheep 1 beep sheep beep shhhh beep shiver beep Shoot beep short gargle beep short laughter beep Shot beep Shuffle beep Silence beep single backfire (auto) beep single laugh beep sip of water beep Skylark beep slurping beep Sneeze beep sneezing beep sneezy beep snicker beep sniffle beep snoring beep snort beep Soda Bottle beep SpaceGun beep Spin Cylinder beep spittin' beep Spooky beep Squeak beep swallow beep Swallows beep Tambourine beep Telegram beep thank you beep Thunder beep Tic_Tac beep Timpani beep tongue beep train chug beep turkeys beep TypeKey beep TypeReturn beep TypeSpace beep ughh!!!! beep uh-oh beep uhh beep uhh-uhh beep UhOh beep Uuh beep very good beep Wasp beep What beep whew! beep whimpering beep whining dog beep whistle beep wicked laugh beep Wierd Sound2 beep WindChime beep Wolf beep Wow beep Wrong beep Yes beep yes! 1 beep YesChord1 beep yesmm beep yesss beep yo beep you got it beep yuk beep Zap beep HouseholdHousehol 8 ball in side pocket attic door backwards ballshot ballshot big hairdryer breaking glass 1 breaking glass 2 breaking glass 3 bubble bubble 2 camera camera 2 chime chime 2 chime 3 clogged sewer closing door creaking door creaking door 2 crowded crystal Cuckoo Clock dealing cards dealing cards (long) dialing a phone dialing a phone 2 dialing a phone 3 dialing a rotary phone digital beep digital honk digital horn dinnerbell dinnertime dinnertime 2 Door Close Door Closing door creak door opening/closing Doorbell DoorClose Doorknob DoorOpen down the drain Drill drill coming down drilling Drip electric saw electric saw 2 falling wood 1 falling wood 2 falling wood 3 filling a glass 1 filling a glass 2 flush toilet flush toilet 2 GateClosing gunshot gunshots hairdryer hammer hammer 2 hammering hammering 2 hand saw hand saw 2 hanging up phone heartbeat hedge trimmer ice cubes in glass ice cubes in glass 2 jigsaw jigsaw (short) knock knock 2 Knock1 long bell losing at ping-pong mac machine mailbox mailbox 2 opening cell door panting and chains panting saw Phone ping-pong playing pool playing pool 2 rapping on door Ratchet ringing phone (digital) ripping clothes Sanding saw coming down sawing school bell schoolbell long setting the table shattered shaving showering showering 2 shuffling cards single dial of phone single phone ring spaghetti sauce sweeping glass Swish telephone 1 telephone 3 telephone 4 the party tinkling ice in glass TypeKey TypeReturn TypeSpace typewriter typewriter click typewriter return typewriter spacebar typing fast Vacuum cleaner vacuuming vacuuming 2 weed whacking wood planer SFXSFX (un)stable Alarm Alarm 2 AlienGun Another Boing Background Ball in cup ballshot beamIn Beat Beat 2 Beeep Beep 16 Beep 20 Beep ken3 BeepSoundtone Bell Big Ben Bit bizarre bizarre beep Blast Bleenk Bleep2 Bleep3 Bleep4 Bleep5 Bleep6 Bleerrp Bluup Bluup 2 Boing1 Boing2 Boingg Boingity Boink bomb BongoLick Boo Boom Boooing Bottle Bowling bowling (strike) Bracket Clang Brushing Teeth Bubbles Bullet Firing Buttons1 Buttons2 Buzzer C beat CHARGE Chicks Chimes Chimes2 Chomping Chorus Clack Clackety Clang Clang (Horn) Claps Click Clock Clock Chime Cockpit coin drop coin drop 2 ComicDrop ConcertBurst ConcertBurst2 Cool Dawn chorus Dice Ding Ding beep Ding beep 2 DishCrash domino 1 domino 2 Dynamite Encore ET Boing Explosion Fall Firebird Flameout flapping Flash 1 Floop FluteB Fog_Horn FuzzGuitar GalaxialBell gas station Generic Boom_oooh GlassBreaking GPT Start Gun Shot GunShot Hallelujah Handball hang up phone HeavyVoltage holding Hole In One Horse Race JawHarp Kiss Kissss Klang Konkie Startup laser effect Long Phasor Lunch Whistle machine Machine gun MachineGun MagretheaAlarm MagretheaGun Malfunction Medium Phasor Metal More BrokenGlass Musical Joke NiftyBeep Noises Noises 2 Oorr orch Perculator Phantom Phaser Phaser1 Pile Driver Ping PlasmaExplode PlasmaLaser Pogo Stick PogoStick pop Psalms pull pull3 quitting time Ray real loud bell Rematerialize Reville Rifle Rite 6 roller coaster Run up down schoolyard Scratch2 Scratch3 ScratchClunk ScratchDown ScratchUp SFX_Thunder shatter Shoot shopping carts Shot ShovelSand ShovelSnow Shuffle Silence Sine Sine down Sine up small crash Soda Bottle Soda Can Sonar Space Buzz Space Sounds Space Sounds2 SpaceGun Spin Cylinder SpinCylinder Spooky Spray_Can square bing Squeak squeak2 StartlingChord switch 2 Synare Synares synthetic fireflies Tambourine Temple Blocks Theater Tic_Tac trash can Tuner Tu_tu_tu twerp Vibe Metallic warfare Whinny whishh white noise Wierd Sound2 Wierd Sound3 WierdSound_1 Wind Wipers WindChime Wood YesChord1 YesChord2 YesLick Zap Zap2 Zap3 Zert Zoot Instruments @HI Guitar A bend up A.O.N. Bass A.O.N. Blow A.O.N. Guitar A.O.N. Guitar hi A.O.N. Note A.O.N. Snare Ac Guitar Hi Ac Guitar Lo Ac Guitar Maj Ac Guitar Min Acoustic Guitar Hi Acoustic Guitar Hi inst Acoustic Guitar Lo Acoustic Guitar Maj Acoustic Guitar Min Acoustic_Note African drum Agogo Hi Agogo High Agogo Lo Agogo Low B Gtr 1 Banjo Banjo Bend Banjo Hi Banjo Lo Banjo Maj Banjo Maj Up Banjo Min BanjoSoft Bari Hi Bari High Bari Lo Bari Low Bass Guitar Long Bass Guitar Short Bass Hi Bass High Bass Lo Bass Low Bass&Snare Bassoon big organ Boink Bone pedal Bongo Hi Bongo High Bongo Lo Bongo Low Bonham Snare Bonham Snare/Kick BOSS Bass Drum BOSS Snare Drum Bugle Cas Synth Bass Cas0 Cas1 Cas2 Cello Chime High Chime Higher Chime Low Chime tink chord inst Cittern High Cittern Low Clang Claps Claps hi Clarinet Clarinet Soft Cluck Conga 1 Conga 2 Cosmic Opening Cosmic Opening fast Country Snare CowBell Crash Cymbal crash inst Crumhorn Alto Crumhorn Bass Crumhorn Tenor Cuica1 Cuica2 Cuica3 Cymbal ding inst drums Dulcian Dulcian hi E Bass E Bass hi E Piano 13 E Piano 79 E Piano Aug E Piano Dim E Piano Hi E Piano Lo E Piano Maj3 E Piano Maj7 E Piano Min3 English Horn Epno C4 Epno C5 Fiddle Fiddle Hi Fiddle Short(D4) Fiddle Short(G2) Fiddle Short(G3) Fiddle Short(G4) Flute Hi Flute Lo Flute Mid FTale Fuzz Bass Gong Guiro1 Guiro2 Guiro3 Guitar Guitar 4th Guitar 7 Guitar 7 Reverb Guitar Aw Guitar Bent Guitar Bent 4th Guitar BR Guitar BR 4th Guitar C3 looped Guitar C5 looped Guitar Echo Guitar Min Guitar Reverb Guitar Wa Guitar(D Maj.) Guitar(E min.) Guitar(G Maj.) Harmonica Harpsichord HiHatClosed HiHatOpen Horn hit loud HornBulb 1 Horns Human Whistle Human Wistle High Incantation Jaw Harp Jazz Snare Jimmy Echo Jimmy Intro Kick KP800-WhiteLite LOTOM Marimba 1 Marimba 2 MChop (Lo 5th) MCHOP(G4) MDouble bend MGUITAR 3rd HI MGUITAR 3rd MID MGuitar 5th Low MGuitar 5th Mid MGUITAR BENT 3RD MGUITAR BENT(G3) MGUITAR HI 4TH MGUITAR HI SUSTAIN MGUITAR LOW MGuitar Low Short MGUITAR SUS. HI MGUITAR(C3) MGUITAR(G3) MGUITAR(G4) MHi-hat MKick MKick+Hat MTom Mystery New Kick+Hat New Snare Oboe Orbit Organ Organ Hi Organ Lo Organ Note Piano C0 Piano C1 Piano C2 Piano C3 Piano C4 Piano C5 Piano Discord Piano G0 Piano G1 Piano G2 Piano1 Piano1Soft Piano2 Piano2Soft Piano3 Piano3Soft Piano4 Piano4Soft Piano5 Piano5Soft Recorder Reggae(A min.) Reggae(G Maj.) Rev HiHat Ride Cymbal Rock Snare SambaDrum Sax Sax Lo Scale Scratch Hi Scratch Lo SL3S Slide Whistle Slide(Pick) Slide_Whistle SNARE Snare Drum Snare Gated Snare Normal Snare Ungated Snare Whip spinner inst Splash Splash1 Splat Strat bender Strings#2 Synth + Whip Synth Bass Synth Shot Synth Spring Tambourine Tenor Hi Tenor Lo Three-Holed Pipe Thunder Swoosh Thwak Timbale Hi Timbale Lo Timpani Timpani 2 Toccata Tom Heavy Tom Hi Tom Lo Tom Mid Tom Tom Trombones Trumpets twirler inst Tymp 1 Voice Hi Voice Lo Voices F1 Voices F2 Voices F4 Vulcan Bell Vvvvvvt Whirl Whistle Hi Whistle Lo Whoosh Wood Block Yaz 10 Bubble Yaz 8 Funnel Yaz 9 Music Intros 1-2-3-4 intro arabian intro 1 arabian intro 2 beach intro bell intro bells intro big gong intro cackling intro 1 cackling intro 2 caribbean intro chanting chorus intro chanting intro chime intro church organ intro cymbal intro cymbal intro 2 digital wilderness intro disco intro dramatic chorus intro dramatic chorus intro 2 dramatic chorus intro 3 drumming intro echoing drum intro exciting intro fading guitar intro flute solo foreboding bells intro funky intro future intro generic intro group laughter intro harp intro hi tech intro hi tech intro 2 industrial intro insane babbling jungle intro jungle noises miami vice-like intro 1 miami vice-like intro 2 modern guitar intro modern rock bassline modern rock beat neat bass intro neat future intro neat guitar intro neat piano intro ocean intro oscillating intro phaser intro piano roll intro pinball intro rap intro repeating keyboard intro rising violin intro single gong intro sitar 1 sitar intro 2 sparkling intro w/ guitar squeaky intro squeaky wheel intro storm intro Synth Beat 01 synth solo intro synthesized helicopter intro tingling bells intro trumpet intro tubular bells intro vibrating metal intro waiting bells intro wind intro PeoplePeople ack 1 ack 2 Another Lil Baby applauding applauding 2 (short) Applause baby beep baby choking baby crying 1 baby crying 2 baby crying 3 baby goo 1 baby goo 2 baby goo 3 baby learning to talk Baby sound backwards laughter big laughter blow 1 blow 2 blow nose 1 blow nose 2 blowing nose 3 (nasty) boy giggling boy giggling w/ echo boy laughing brushing teeth but nooo but nooo 2 cackle Cindi's Laugh1 Cindi's Laugh2 Cindi's Laugh3 Cindi's Laugh4 clear throat (short) clear throat 1 clear throat 2 clear throat 3 cough 1 cough 2 cough 3 cough 4 cough 5 cough 6 (female) cough 7 (female) cough w/ echo cough/cry coughing 1 coughing 2 coughing 3 crazy laughter Crowd crowded football game crowded playground crying 1 (woman) crying 2 (woman) crying 3 (male) crying 4 (male) crying 5 (male) crying male (short) dazzled dazzled 2 deep breath deep breaths drinking drinking water dunno dunno 2 ehhh! falling falling 2 falling 3 fright frustrated 1 frustrated 2 frustrated 3 frustrated boy gargle 1 gargle 2 Gasp general laughter giggle GiggledyGulp Giggles Girls goofy haha goofy laugh goofy laugh 2 goofy laugh 3 groan groan 2 groan 3 growl 1 growl 2 growl 3 Grunt grunt 1 grunt 2 grunt 3 hahaha hahahha happy baby 1 happy baby 2 heh-heh heh-heh 2 hmmm? hmmm? 2 hmmmmm hmmph! hmmph! 2 ho-ho-ho ho-hum kids kiss 1 kiss 2 kiss 3 kiss 4 kiss 5 LargeLaugh Laugh1 Laugh2 Laugh3 Laugh4 Laugh5 LaughBig Laughing laughter laughter + snorting laughter 2 Lil Baby Lil Baby Laugh Lil Baby Sneeze long applause lots o' laughter mad laughter Man Cough Man Falling Man Laughing mmm-hmm mmm-hmm 2 more applause Nasty Cough nuthouse nyeh-nyeh nyeh-nyeh 2 nyuk-nyuk nyuk-nyuk 2 ohhhh! ohhhh! 2 (echo) ohhhh! 3 ohhhh! 3 (girl) pained uh! pained uh! (male) pleasure 1 pleasure 2 pleasure 3 pleasure 4 pleasure 5 pondering 1 pondering 2 pondering 3 pondering 4 pop 1 pop 2 pop 3 pop 4 pop 5 quick applause quick laugh quick slurping Raw relief 1 relief 2 relief 3 relief 4 rrrrrr! rrrrrr! 2 sarcastic laugh 1 sarcastic laugh 2 sarcastic laugh 3 sarcastic laughter 4 Scream scream 1 scream 2 scream 3 scream 4 scream 5 scream 6 scream 7 scream 8 screaming people screaming woman shhhh shhhh 2 shiver 1 shiver 2 shiver 3 shiver 4 short gargle short laughter short laughter 2 single laugh sinister laughter sip of water slurping Sneeze sneezing 1 sneezing 2 sneezing 3 sneezing for distance sneezy snicker sniffle sniffling Snore snoring 1 snoring 2 snoring 3 snoring 4 (female) snoring for distance snort snort 2 snort 3 spitter spittin' spitting strange sneeze swallow 1 swallowing tongue 1 tongue 2 tongue 3 ughh!!!! ughh!!!! 2 uh-oh uh-oh 2 uhh 1 uhh 2 uhh-uhh uhh-uhh 2 Valley Girl whew! whew! 2 whimpering whimpering 2 whistle whistle 1 whistle 2 wicked laugh witches brew Woman Coughing Woman in Pain Woman Laughing Woman Scream Yawn yawning 1 yawning 2 yawning 3 yawning 4 yeechhh! Transportation 68 Camaro 737 landing 747 landing A.O.N. Car Starting Afterburner air raid siren air raid siren 2 air traffic control 1 air traffic control 2 air traffic control 3 Airplane airplane (short) ambulance Another Car Starting another peel out attack from above backfiring car bad brakes barnstormer barnstormer 2 beep-beep Bicycle_Bell boeing 707 taxiing bomber 1 bomber 2 bomber 3 car chase 1 car door car driving away car horn (long) car horn 1 car horn 2 car horn 3 car horn 4 car horn 5 car passes on highway car passing w/ horn car wreck car/train crash at hi speed cessna (short) cessna 1 cessna 2 choo-choo ChooChoo Chopper chopper 2 chopper 3 concorde concorde 2 Control Tower cranking old Ford crash cropduster flies away deep train whistle diesel train 1 diesel train 2 (w/horn) diesel train 3 (leaving) diesel train 4 (entering) doin' doughnuts F-15 fly-by F-15 overhead Fast Car Starting fast train fighter jet overhead fighter pilot in distance fire engine fire siren fire truck Ford Model A gas turbine train gas turbine train (passing) grind gears helicopter approach helicopter idling helicopter landing helicopter pass high speed pass (auto) highway 101 Honk 2 Horn (short) Horn 9 hot rod 2 (blastoff) hot-rod 1 idling Ford Model A in the cockpit incoming!!! into O' Hare jaguar Jet Fighter jet fighter accelerating jet fighter landing jet fighter passing 1 Jet Fighter2 jet fly-by jet taxiing Jets KP800-Airplane KP800-Helicopter LA freeway laboring wipers maniac Model T model train motorbike motorbike passing motorboat motorcycle old carhorn (single) old diesel bell + horn old locomotive old locomotive 2 old pontiac old time carhorn old tractor open door buzzer passage to bangkok passing train peel out peel out 2 plane crash 1 plane crash 2 planes firing police car 1 police car 2 (door slam) prop plane accelerates prop plane fly-by prop plane overhead propeller winding down red light (car stopping) revving Ship Horns short ship horn single backfire (auto) single choo-choo single-engine plane skid to a halt skidding auto skidding auto 2 skidding car small plane sportscar accelerating sportscar starting squealin tires squealing tires stalling tractor starting foreign auto starting old pontiac starting station wagon starting the car 1 starting the car 2 starting the car 3 (!) Take Off takeoff from cockpit Taxi_Horns tinny train crossing bell tire blow-out tires on concrete train 1 train 2 (whistle) train air horn train and bell train brakes screeching train chug 1 train chug 2 train chug 3 train chug 4 train crossing bell train crossing bell 2 train in tunnel train leaving 1 train leaving 2 train passing w/horn train pulling into station train toots train whistle (very high) train whistle 1 train whistle 2 train whistle 3 train whistle 4 train whistle 5 truck horn 1 truck horn 2 truck passing tugboat turbulence turn signal twin engine idle V6 revving V8 revving very long train whistle very small car wheel hit ground windshield wipers windshield wipers 2 wipers in space wipers on high WW II fighter PhrasesPhrases (B)aah(d) (B)AD (B)all (Ch)illin (J)am (L)i (Li)v @Elvis is Dead A.O.N. "Hey!" Ah ah-ha 1 ah-ha 1 (cartoon) ah-ha 2 ah-ha 2 (cartoon) ah-ha 3 ah-ha 3 (cartoon) Ah2 ahem2 Ahh-Choo Ahhhhhhhhh almost almost 2 alright alright 2 Are Ayaaaah Ayaaaah 2 B(a) B(ad) B(all) Bay(be) Be boo! 1 boo! 2 boo! 3 boo! 4 Boooooing! Brrrr! Ch(illn) Ch-Ch-Oowww Instrument Cool DADDY Do excellent excellent 2 FastHey Find Fore Fore 2 Four Four! Fresh Get Down! Go Good Good Afternoon Good Evening Good God good job good job 2 Good Joke Good Morning Good Night Goodbye great! great! 2 ha ha 2 Heey! Help! Hey hey 1 hey 1 (cartoon) hey 2 hey 2 (cartoon) hey 3 hey 3 (cartoon) Hey2 Hey3 Home huh 1 huh 1 (cartoon) huh 2 huh 2 (cartoon) huh 3 huh 3 (cartoon) huh 4 huh 4 (cartoon) i don't know 1 i don't know 1 (cartoon) i don't know 2 i don't know 2 (cartoon) I feel terrible I Said Is It J(am) J(i) L(ie) M(i) maybe maybe 2 Me mmmm better Mommy moron n-n-n-no n-n-n-no 2 nahhh nahhh 2 nawww nawww 2 NDI NeNeNeNeNe! NeNeYow! Next No no sir no sir 2 no! 1 no! 1 (cartoon) no! 2 no! 2 (cartoon) nooo nooo (cartoon) nooo! nooo! (cartoon) noooh noooh (cartoon) oh! oh! (cartoon) oh. oh. (cartoon) oh? oh? (cartoon) Ohno! ok ok (cartoon) One Ooof! ooookay ooookay (cartoon) oops ouch ouch (cartoon) ouch 1 ouch 1 (cartoon) ouch 2 ouch 2 (cartoon) ow! 1 ow! 1 (cartoon) ow! 2 ow! 2 (cartoon) Oww R(a) R(AD) Rap Right Search4What Sexy Hi Stack Start Stop Tada! thank you thank you 2 Three Three! To Two Two! UhOh Umph! Up Uuh Uuuh very good very good (cartoon) What WHAT 2 Whoah Wow Wrong Yeah Yes Yes Master yes! 1 yes! 1 (cartoon) yes! 2 yes! 2 (cartoon) yesmm yesmm 2 yesss yesss 2 yo 1 yo 1 (cartoon) yo 2 yo 2 (cartoon) yo 3 yo 3 (cartoon) You you got it you got it 2 Your time is up You_cant yuk 1 yuk 1 (cartoon) yuk 2 yuk 2 (cartoon) NatureNature another babbling brook big lightning bolt birds and water birds by river birds by river 2 heavy current howling wind howling wind 2 hurricane more rushing water nasty thunder Ocean 1 rain approaching rain in jungle rain in woods rain in woods 2 rain puddle rainstorm rainstorm 2 river in space rolling thunder sandstorm sandstorm 2 seagull frenzy sharp thunder sharp thunder 2 short thunder 1 small wave Storm storm 1 storm brewing storming surf synthetic thunder the big wave Thunder thunder 1 thunder 2 thunder 3 thunder in the distance thunder on river thunder on river 2 thunder rising thunder rumbling tide coming in waterfall 1 waterfall 2 wave crashing wave crashing 2 whipping wind whipping wind (short) wind and rain 1 wind and rain 2 wind and thunder windstorm approach